"Oh. Here you go, will these help?"
Daisy: "Urrgh God, not another panty sniffer. He's going
to want me to piss in his mouth next!"
Trevor: "Okay kid, do your stuff!"
"How's your handicap Barry?"
Barry: "She's at home. Baking a cake boss!"
Trevor: "Oh
that Lucille's got a cute Tush. I wouldn't mind giving her a poke
with the old pork sword!"
Trevor: "Well,
what do you know? It's Dennis on a smelly minge binge!"
"Eat Lead you man stealing slut."
I aim to be, I aim to be the best god damn producer this town has
ever seen."
"It's just my bad luck, this sort of thing is always happening
to me."
"Please do not interrupt me, I am traveling on the astral plane."
"I'm Wobert..."
Trevor: "You may be Wobert to your friends, but you're fly
shit to me! Piss off!"
"I thought you were nice."
Lucille: "I am nice."
Wobert: "No your not, you're loose! And you dwink!"
Lucille: "No..."
Wobert: "You're nothing but a loose lush Lucille and I never
want to see you again!"